Preschool is very much in festive mode! Snowflakes are being crafted, reindeer food is being made, and Christmas books are being voted on for story time. Christmas Jumper Day is upon us, and we have a Christmas visit to St. Mary’s before the end of term, to learn about the Christian understanding of Christmas and see the nativity display. We will also be learning about the Jewish festival of Chanukah. We have a menorah we can light and will share a song called ‘Ma’oz Tzur’. It’s all very exciting!
Thank you to everyone who donated prizes or bought tickets for our raffle at the Christmas Lights Festival. We raised over £400, which we will put to good use in the coming months. Some of the money will be spent purchasing Legionnaires hats for sun protection in the summer and all-in-one waterproofs to encourage all-weather learning and adventures.
As we look ahead, following our successful visit from the Cambridgeshire Firefighters, we are looking forward to a visit from police officers in the new year. We are also looking forward to welcoming new starters and a new member of staff, Miss Caroline.
However, we’re also saying a very sad goodbye to Miss Jasmine. She has done so much for Preschool and will be greatly missed. We wish her all the very best for the future.
Our End of Year Thank You
As usual, we have so many people to thank!
- Our parents and committee members for their continued support.
- Our placement student, Emily, who returns to us regularly and is such a great help.
- Our two nurse mummies who kindly came to talk to the children about their roles.
- Nisa. Nisa supplies our snacks for free and holds a loose change collection box for us.
- Sally, Buckden’s librarian, who is always so welcoming and helpful.
All we want for Christmas is…new committee members!
Although some new volunteers have come forward for the committee, we often regularly lose members as children go on to big school or move house etc. As a committee-run preschool and charity, we need a certain number of parent members and total members on our committee to remain open.
You can give as little or as much time as you wish, and you won’t be asked to take on any tasks or responsibilities that you don’t want! We are a friendly group, so if you have even just an odd hour or two to spare now and then, please contact Helen, our chairperson, or Debby, our treasurer, at
It just remains for us to wish everyone
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!