Christmas is approaching: we can tell, because the Preschool floor is regularly covered in glitter! Before the season of glitter, though, the children enjoyed autumn activities. They loved the pumpkin/Halloween hunt, and our nominated child photographer for the day did a great job! Bonfire Night provided a great opportunity to explore colour and watch a video about fireworks on our accessible interactive whiteboard, which is adding a new dimension to the children’s learning. The children also collaged poppies for our remembrance wreath, which we laid at St Mary’s when we visited.
We also recently had an exciting visit from the fire brigade, who talked about fire safety and the important job firefighters do.

Congratulations to…
Miss Charlene, who successfully applied for the role of Preschool Manager and took over the role after the half-term holiday. The Committee wish her every success.
Can you spare an hour or two to help Preschool?
As a committee-run preschool, it is essential that we have:
- A minimum amount of parent members.
- A minimum number of total committee members.
Without adequate committee members, we could be forced to close, so if you have any time to spare—even just an hour or two here and there—we would be very grateful! For more information, please contact Helen, our chairperson, or Debby, our treasurer, at