We’ve started the term with plenty of fun, engaging activities, helping our returners settle back into pre-school and our new starters feel at home. Our first Book of the Week was, appropriately, a Peppa Pig story called ‘Georgie’s First Day at Playgroup’.

It’s been lovely to meet the new children and their families. We’ve been introducing their parents and carers to our online Tapestry journals, where they can see what their child has been learning and achieving and contribute photos and notes on their home learning activities too. We’ve sent out a New Starters’ Questionnaire too, to get feedback on what we’re doing well and if there are areas we could improve.

This term is always busy, and we’re already gathering ideas for significant dates such as Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Chanukah and Christmas. The first occasion we mark is usually Harvest, and we will be talking to St Mary’s to see if we can visit in a COVID safe way. Talking of COVID-19…

COVID-19 safety measures

We’ve reviewed our COVID-19 risk assessment in line with government advice. We kindly ask that parents and carers continue to queue outside the foyer door and wear a mask if entering the setting.

We appreciate that COVID-19 restrictions can make it difficult for parents and carers to talk to us as often as they might like. They are free to phone or email us at any time, and we’re offering Zoom meetings if they need a private chat.


Our statutory guidance, the Early Years Foundation Stage, has been updated by the government. One of the biggest changes will be around assessment, moving away from typical ages and stages and towards using our professional judgement in assessing th4e children’s progress. We will be putting posters in the foyer explaining the changes, and encourage parents to ask staff about any queries they have.

There are limited spaces available. Please call 01480 810600 or email us at buckdenpreschool@yahoo.co.uk to arrange a visit or apply for a place.

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