As we look forward to a new school year, the plan is to open Preschool to all pupils again in September, with measures in place to ensure that social distancing is facilitated and that strict hygiene standards are maintained on the premise, alongside frequent and thorough handwashing sessions for pupils and staff.
Of course, in these challenging times it’s hard to predict events more than a week or two ahead, so if we need to change this decision in any way—or Government guidelines or recommendations mean that we need to do so—we will let parents know as soon as possible.
We are a registered charity and COVID 19 has disrupted our fundraising efforts, just as it has the efforts of all other charities, so we would be very grateful if, next time you’re in Nisa, you could pop any change you can spare into our collection box there. Every little bit really does help!
The autumn term is usually event-filled, with a harvest church visit, lots of autumnal activities, our famous Halloween Party and, of course, many Christmas events. It remains to be seen how many of these things can go ahead this year—but watch this space for further details! We do have a Race Night taking place at the village club on the 28th August – you can find out more here.
We look forward to welcoming our new starters and their families to our Preschool community and hope they will be very happy here. And of course, we look forward to welcoming back our existing pre-schoolers and hearing about what they have been up to over the very unusual summer holidays!