Soon, this most strange of academic years will be over. The children who have returned to Preschool as lockdown eases have adapted quickly to a new room layout and routine, which includes a temperature check on arrival and washing their hands thoroughly and regularly (while singing a song to ensure they’re staying at the sink long enough!).
They have also been collaging rainbows and butterflies in support of the NHS and learning about staying safe. There has been plenty of outside play (our large covered balcony really comes into its own in warm but wet weather!) and the children have enjoyed using wooden bricks to build castles and houses, and to measure and compare their heights.
Throughout this challenging time, both staff and committee have pulled together. The staff are grateful for the strong support they have received from the committee and the committee thank all the staff for their dedication, professionalism and maintaining of morale under difficult circumstances. They particularly want to thank Nicola for taking on the Manager role so successfully at such a difficult time.
Many of the pre-schoolers have not returned as yet, and of course this includes those leaving Preschool to move up to big school. While goodbyes and ‘graduation’ will be a little different this year, a socially distanced picnic is being held on Monday 13th July to mark the end of this chapter in our leavers’ lives. Whether they are able to attend or not, we wish all our leavers and their families the very best of luck for the future. We will miss them all!
As the school year comes to an end, our thanks also go to Nisa, who supply our healthy snacks and hold a collection box for us (total to be announced next month); Jo and Des at the village hall, who are always so helpful; and Pauline Coker for her wonderful dance classes, which both staff and children have sorely missed during lockdown.
We wish everyone a great summer. Stay safe!